What would data-driven policy suggest regarding THC cannabis concentrate caps in Vermont and Quebec?
The recent article on THC limits in cannabis concentrates leaves out the important fact that Vermont law currently includes a 60% cap on THC in solid concentrates. Thankfully, lawmakers in the Vermont House have listened to the science, and they are working to keep the high THC concentrates cap in H.548. The intent of Act 164 as passed and as sold to Vermonters is that the commercial sale of cannabis is “for the purpose of public health and safety.”
What is new is the Cannabis Control Board’s push for these dangerous products before the market in Vermont is even off the ground. These are not products used by the “casual” cannabis consumer. In the 1990s, the average THC content in marijuana flower was less than 4%. It is now about 15% — and we’re talking about products with a potency of up to 80 or 90% THC.
Read the full opinion piece by IASIC Treasurer Catherine Antley published in the Rutland Herald here: https://www.rutlandherald.com/opinion/commentary/antley-thc-cannabis-concentrate/article_29a84df6-ccb8-57f3-9f4e-4fc3276062fb.html
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